About Us

About Us

  • We are a Connecticut based real estate license holding and referral company.
  • TAXA is a limited function referral office.
  • TAXA is a Connecticut non-Realtor®, non-MLS company set up for the sole purpose of holding Connecticut real estate salesperson licenses and processing their referrals to other Realtors® nation-wide.
  • Typically, our members are fully licensed Connecticut Real Estate Salespersons that decided on a new approach to the business. They have relocated to another state from Connecticut or have decided that actively listing and selling is not for them at this time.
  • TAXA provides a low-cost alternative to properly sustaining an active Connecticut Real Estate Salesperson license and continue to earn an income with minimum time commitment and at a tremendous annual cost savings.

Agent Benefits

  1. Continue to maintain an active real estate salesperson license or reinstate an inactive one.
  2. NO state, local or national Realtor® association board dues.
  3. NO Multiple Listing Service (MLS) membership fees.
  4. NO Errors and Omission (E&O) fees.
  5. NO eKey fees.
  6. NO monthly office dues.
  7. NO technology fees.
  8. NO miscellaneous fees at closing.
  9. NO miscellaneous office fees.
  10. Keep earning money with your active Real Estate Salesperson license.
  11. Earn a commission on your own personal transactions.
  12. Maintain a professional and tax-deductible status.
  13. Earn a fee on personal transactions, resells, purchases and more.
  14. Experienced Broker handles all the details for your referrals.
  15. You can live anywhere in the world.
  16. You can earn money on previous customers.
  17. You can easily re-enter the business as a fully functional Realtor® at any time.

What you won’t do as a member of TAXA

  • NO providing professional advice to buyers or sellers
  • NO making appointments
  • NO showing property
  • NO providing pricing suggestions
  • NO negotiating strategy recommendations
  • NO interference with any other licensed real estate professional
  • NO attending inspections


The ONLY thing you can do as a TAXA member is REFER!

Requirements for Participation in TAXA

  1. You are of legal age and capable of forming a legally binding contract.
  2. All information you provide to TAXA is accurate. Should it change in the future, you will update us.
  3. You have and will maintain a valid Connecticut Real Estate Salesperson License, are qualified to practice real estate, and will follow all applicable real estate laws.
  4. You agree to transfer your Salesperson license to TAXA.
  5. You will update TAXA immediately regarding any changes to the status of your real estate license.
  6. You acknowledge that as a member of TAXA, you are only able to submit referrals and are subject to this agreement.
  7. You must be a current member in good standing of TAXA.
  8. You will obey all Connecticut laws.
  9. You agree to pay a non-refundable, non-prorated fee of two hundred and forty-nine dollars ($249) annually or one hundred and forty-nine dollars ($149) biannually. Renewal fees are due the first day of your anniversary month.
There is Another Way to Use Your License

Work With Us

As a REALTOR® you are forced to wear many hats. Imagine eliminating most of your expenses and having one singular focus…refer buyers and sellers.